Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Manatees On Fort Lauderdale Beach Surprise Swimmers (VIDEO) break on manatees

15 seconds ago ( 6:21 AM)

next time people see this how about you move away and leave the poor things alone, they almost beached them in the opening scene..it is against the law to harass them in florida waters..the tourist just need to stand back and enjoy the show, then go buy aloe vera to deal with the massive sunburn they just received.
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Moldova Marsupial

4 hours ago ( 1:52 AM)

OOO, wish I had been there.
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5 hours ago ( 1:03 AM)

So cool...
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Radical Independent

6 hours ago (12:14 AM)

I love manatees!n They taste like eagle!
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Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!

7 hours ago (11:04 PM)

I love manatees and dolphins and all saltwater and freshwater mammals really, but just having something really large and living and not human in the water beside me - or UNDER me - is an extreme phobia of mine. I can't even swim in the ocean. Even the thought of sharks makes me a bit pale. Go manatees! I'll deal with my phobia.

7 hours ago (11:21 PM)

You might like to know that, like you, the manatees are vegetarian. They are the only herbivorous sea mammals. So you needn't fear them.

Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!

7 hours ago (11:25 PM)

I know, I know, but I DO, I do, I do.
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3 hours ago ( 3:01 AM)

they can still grab you by your leg and take you to the bottom. I've seen it before on dive film. Scary no matter what............
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8 hours ago (10:39 PM)

Just one of those self affirmation trips for the husky girls from high school , the anorectics where also there but no one noticed
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8 hours ago (10:36 PM)

Ok it looked cool on video. But when I see large shawdowy things swimming in the water around where I am standing. I am not standing there or going into the water. Since generally there are willd things in the ocean and they are always looking for a meal.

7 hours ago (10:54 PM)

i was at that beach a few years ago and saw this very large shadow coming toward me. the water was a little above my knees. instead of running away i put my mask on and looked in the water. it was a huge school of dolphins (the fish dolphin and not the other kind)

Gay democrat agnostic vegetarian!

7 hours ago (11:05 PM)

A dolphin is a mammal, what is a "fish dolphin"?
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8 hours ago (10:34 PM)

I've seen them walking up the beach in Hallandale wearing thongs ,so whats the whoop ?

7 hours ago (10:55 PM)

your too cruel, LOL
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8 hours ago (10:16 PM)

They are Beautiful creatures, and the mermaids of the underworld
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Former repub, still repenting

8 hours ago ( 9:56 PM)

They are not native... got here as a source of food on Portuguese ships in the bildge.......

They taste like chicken...

7 hours ago (10:56 PM)

where i am from they are called seacows
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8 hours ago ( 9:54 PM)

I have seen many hundred manatees and have never seen them act like that. She must have been beautiful.
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9 hours ago ( 9:45 PM)

Ever since I went swimming with manatees 50 years ago I have been a massive fan. They are so ugly and so beautiful, so large and so gentle. A mother cow brought her baby up to me and rolled over for me to pet her. She was almost a thousand pounds and I as not even 50. It is rightfully illegal to pet manatees anymore but that one experience changed my life. I did take the picture that is my avatar.

5 hours ago (12:58 AM)

Now THAT experience was special :)
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9 hours ago ( 9:17 PM)

What a treat for those folks.
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9 hours ago ( 9:14 PM)

"Cover yer eyes, little Johnny! It's a birds-and-bees moment! Mildred, get the kids outta here for crying out loud - and bring back the video camera!"
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The obstacle is the path

10 hours ago ( 8:06 PM)

Unusual? Perhaps. Weird? No way. Go Green on this one...
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