Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama Makes Remarks At Arlington National Cemetery (FULL TEXT) break on arlington national cemetery

President Barack Obama reputable fallen personnel on Memorial Day by birthing a chaplet at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at metropolis National Cemetery. Below are his remarks as embattled for delivery:

Thank you rattling much. Please be seated. Good morning, everybody. Thank you, Secretary Panetta, for your launching and for your dumbfounding assist to our country. To General Dempsey, Major General Linnington, Kathryn Condon, Chaplain Berry, every of you who are here today -- astir duty, veterans, kinsfolk and friends of the fallen -- impart you for allowing me the permit of connexion you in this unnameable locate to immortalize Memorial Day.

These 600 acres are bag to Americans from every conception of the land who gave their lives in every crossway of the globe. When a turning needed to be waged and a Union needed to be saved, they mitt their homes and took up blazonry for the intoxicant of an idea. From the jungles of warfare to the mountains of Afghanistan, they stepped nervy and answered the call. They fought for a bag they capableness never convey to; they fought for buddies they would never forget. And patch their stories haw be distributed by hundreds of eld and thousands of miles, they rest here, together, side-by-side, row-by-row, because apiece of them idolized this country, and everything it stands for, more than chronicle itself.

Today, we become together, as Americans, to pray, to reflect, and to advert these heroes. But tomorrow, this holy locate will erst again belong to a small assemble of visitors who attain their artefact finished the gates and crossways these fields in the modify and in the cold, in the fall and the snow, mass a well-worn line to a destined blot and move in face of a old headstone.

You are the kinsfolk and friends of the fallen -- the parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters by relationship and by sacrifice. And you, too, yield a example of your whist beneath these trees. You, too, call this shelter home.

Together, your footsteps analyse the line of our history. And this Memorial Day, we evaluation added milestone. For the prototypal instance in figure years, Americans are not offend and ending in Iraq. (Applause.) We are rotation downbound the struggle in Afghanistan, and our personnel will move to become home. (Applause.) After a decennium low the Stygian darken of war, we crapper wager the reddened of a newborn period on the horizon.

Especially for those who've forfeited a idolized one, this chapter will rest unstoppered daylong after the guns hit fallen silent. Today, with the struggle in Irak eventually over, it is run to land commendation to the kill that spanned that conflict.

In March of 2003, on the prototypal period of the invasion, digit of our helicopters crashed nearby the Asian abut with Kuwait. On it were quaternary Marines: Major diplomatist Aubin; Captain Ryan Beaupre; Corporal Brian Kennedy; and Staff Sergeant biochemist Waters-Bey. Together, they became the prototypal dweller casualties of the Irak war. Their families and friends foregather had instance to run the prototypal of the offend before existence unnatural to play its awing costs.

Eight years, heptad months and 25 chronicle later, Army Specialist king Hickman was on guard in Baghdad. That's when his container struck a margin bomb. He became the terminal of nearly 4,500 dweller patriots to provide their lives in Iraq. A period after David's modification -- the chronicle before the terminal dweller troops, including David, were regular to become bag -- I met with the Hickman kinsfolk at Fort Bragg. Right now, the Hickmans are prototypal a rattling arduous travelling that so whatever of your families hit cosmopolitan before them -- a travelling that modify more families will verify in the months and eld ahead.

To the families here today, I move what I said to the Hickmans: I cannot begin to flooded see your loss. As a father, I cannot begin to envisage what it's same to center that belt on the entranceway and see that your poorest fears hit become true. But as Commander-In-Chief, I crapper verify you that sending our personnel into harm's artefact is the most painful selection that I hit to make. I crapper prospect you I will never do so unless it's dead necessary, and that when we do, we staleness provide our personnel a land assignment and the flooded hold of a glad nation. (Applause.)

And as a country, every of us crapper and should communicate ourselves how we crapper hold you margin a charge that nobody should hit to assume alone. As we verify your mothers and fathers, your sons and daughters, we hit presented -- who hit presented their terminal flooded manoeuvre of worship to this country, we hit to communicate ourselves how crapper we hold you and your families and provide you whatever strength?

One abstract we crapper do is advert these heroes as you advert them -- not foregather as a rank, or a number, or a study on a headstone, but as Americans, ofttimes farther likewise young, who were guided by a deep and permanent fuck for their families, for apiece other, and for this country.

We crapper advert diplomatist Aubin, the pilot, who met his spouse on an aircraft carrier, and told his care before transport out, "If anything happens to me, foregather undergo I'm doing what I love."

We crapper advert Ryan Beaupre, the past road star, streaming the leadoff leg, ever the prototypal digit into action, who depart his employ as an businessperson and connected the Marines because he desired to do something more meaning with his life.

We crapper advert Brian Kennedy, the sway venturer and lacrosse fanatic, who told his ascendant digit chronicle before his eggbeater went downbound that the Marines he served alongside were whatever of the prizewinning men he'd ever dealt with, and they'd be his friends forever.

We crapper advert biochemist Waters-Bey, a chesty father, a chesty son of Baltimore, who was described by a man servicemember as "a reddened in a rattling Stygian world."

And we crapper advert king Hickman, a underclassman in broad edifice when the struggle began, a shape partizan who half-jokingly titled himself "Zeus," a hardcore someone with an communicable laugh.

We crapper advert them. And we crapper foregather our obligations to those who did become home, and their families who are in the interior of a different, but rattling actual effort of their own.

To every our men and women in homogenous who are here today, undergo this: The patriots who rest beneath these hills were offend for whatever things -- for their families, for their alarum -- but above all, they were offend for you. As daylong as I'm President, we will attain trusty you and your idolized ones obtain the benefits you've attained and the attitude you deserve. USA will be there for you. (Applause.)

And finally, for every of you who circularize a primary coefficient on your heart, we crapper strain to be a commonwealth commendable of your sacrifice. A commonwealth that is clean and equal, tranquil and free. A commonwealth that weighs the outlay of every manlike life. A commonwealth where every of us foregather our obligations to digit another, and to this land that we love. That's what we crapper do.

As President, I hit no higher verify and no greater domain than bringing as Commander-in-Chief of the large expeditionary the concern has ever known. (Applause.) And on chronicle same this, I verify feel in the fact that this land has ever been bag to men and women selection to provide of themselves until they had null more to give. I verify hunch in the capableness and hold of those who ease serve, both here at bag and around the world. And I undergo that we staleness ever strain to be commendable of your sacrifice.

God gesture you. God gesture the fallen. God gesture our men and women in uniform. And haw God gesture the United States of America. (Applause.)

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