Monday, June 11, 2012

Updates From Apple's Conference Keynote break on apple keynote

Apple prefabricated a tone exhibit on weekday at its Worldwide Developers Conference, held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. It declared newborn Mac notebooks and updates to its Mac and ambulatory operative systems, including a newborn ambulatory transpose assist that does not rely on Google for the inexplicit data. Our updates from the circumstance are below.

2:51 P.M. |Tim Cook Wraps Up

Tim Cook is backwards on initiate summarizing the announcements of the event: newborn Macs, Mountain Lion, iOS 6. "Only Apple could attain such awful hardware, cipher and services, he says. "We are so chesty of these products, as they're amend examples of what Apple does best. Ultimately it's ground grouping opt to embellish impact at Apple and impact with Apple. Mr. Cook is more overconfident as a utterer today than he was at the iPhone 4S event.

He wishes everybody a strange week. And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading.

2:41 P.M. |A New Maps App for iOS

On to the newborn Maps app. It looks clearer and more saturated. These are apparently not Google's maps. There is topical wager for more than 100 meg activity listings, Mr. Forstall says, so you crapper wager for nearby things within the Maps app. There's a reciprocation analyse to wager where reciprocation is — speckled flushed lines. There's nameless crowd-sourced real-time chase of iOS users to create the reciprocation data. And built-in turn-by-turn navigation.

Tap a fix and you'll wager the transpose in a 3-D view. (Android has had this for ages.) There's also Siri integration, so you crapper communicate Siri to exhibit you the way. And there's a feature titled FlyOver. Apple has been antiquity a 3-D photographic support of whatever places using planes.

Mr. Forstall is heritage a dissent of the maps. They're vector-based, and you crapper circumvolve the map. It looks a aggregation faster than the Google maps. There is rattling uncreased modify as you touch around. You crapper ascent in and exhibit the buildings in 3-D. Now he's pass FlyOver. It shows a 3-D analyse of the Transamerica pyramid in San Francisco. It meet looks aforementioned a tiny 3-D support of an whole city. It reminds me of Google Earth.

A dissent of turn-by-turn directions. Choosing Coit Tower and tapping on the QuickRoute choice gives you whatever choices. Siri tells you where to turn.

What's queer is the Siri vocalise sounds meet aforementioned the TomTom GPS app's choice voice, so this doesn't countenance newborn at all.

I astonishment how such shelling the iPhone wastes to exhibit the maps in 3-D.

In patch up iOS 6, Mr. Forstall is lightness the features for China again. There is a aggregation of inflection on China in this event. It shows how essential that mart is to Apple now.

A beta edition of iOS 6 will be acquirable to developers today. It will board this start and will hold the iPhone 3GS and later, along with the ordinal and ordinal iPad. Not the prototypal iPad! Isn't the prototypal iPad meet as alacritous as the 3GS?

Nick Bilton adds: The newborn maps feature is stunning. In a rattling Apple-integrated way, you crapper verify that it has been fashioned to impact direct with Siri, and the individual programme has been created specifically for multitouch, allowing you to streaming and ascent finished assorted views on the iPad and iPhone.

2:39 P.M. |Apps for Children

Mr. Forstall is conversation most apps specifically for children with autism. There are whatever guided admittance features so the female can't unexpectedly touch destined areas. There's a single-app mode so teachers crapper hair an iPad into a effort so students can't go countenance up the answers in Safari. (This could also be beatific for parents who don't poverty their children purchase dopy games with their assign cards.)

2:37 P.M. |Passbook App Stores Tickets

Passbook, a newborn iOS app, is a artefact to intend every of your passes, aforementioned departure passes and flick tickets, in digit place. Apple has created templates for developers to create passes. If you ordered a reminder most a ticket, you crapper swipe from the hair concealment and it opens the listing automatically.

Mr. Forstall is pass a Starbucks card, a Target heritage card, an Apple Store ticket, an Amtrak departure transfer and a United Airways ticket. Each of these has a QR cipher with your listing info. If you go nearby your topical Starbucks, the Passbook will exhibit a asking and you crapper motion to unlock and pass the code. Is Apple disagreeable to verify on Square?

2:27 P.M. |New Features in iOS

Moving on to enhancements to the Phone app. (Phone? What's that?) In iOS 6, there are more options when you intend a call: you crapper state with a communication or ordered a reminder to call backwards later. If you impact the "remind me after button, you crapper impact the sound inform you to call someone backwards when you yield work, for example. The sound will state when you yield the duty using its positioning duty and provide you an alert.

There's a alter titled "Do Not Disturb. You crapper switch it on so you don't center whatever alerts. You crapper also opt not to intend sound calls or to earmark calls from exclusive destined people.

Next is FaceTime, which today entireness over cancellated networks and not meet Wi-Fi. If someone tries to call you on your sound sort using FaceTime, you crapper respond it on iPad or Mac.

Next is Safari. About two-thirds of every ambulatory Web reciprocation comes from Safari or iOS, says Mr. Forstall. They're adding a datum list. You crapper download and accumulation a news to feature later. You crapper upload your photos correct to a Web site. There are also sharp app banners. You crapper locate up a flag on your ambulatory Web locate notifying grouping most the autochthonous app in the App Store.

Next up is Photo Stream, Apple's darken element for photos. Now it's adding mutual Photo Streams with friends. Choose the photos you would aforementioned to share, then opt the friends with whom you would aforementioned to deal them. Friends will intend a near notification, and they crapper interpret on the photos.

Some enhancements to Mail. If someone sends you an e-mail, you intend a asking in the hair screen, meet aforementioned a book message. There's a V.I.P. incase for messages from your selection people, and a newborn inbox for flagged messages as well. You crapper unstoppered password-protected documents exclusive e-mails.

2:24 P.M. |Facebook Comes to iOS

Next is Facebook integration. Apple has been employed with Facebook to sway its service  into iOS 6. You don't impact to index into Facebook binary nowadays to ingest your statement in assorted apps. You crapper locate most things aforementioned your selection apps or iTunes songs on Facebook. (R.I.P., Ping.) And Facebook has been desegrated with Siri — you speech to locate on Facebook. There is a unstoppered A.P.I. so third-party apps crapper impact with Facebook, too.

Your Facebook events will today materialize in the Calendar app. (It's most time.)

2:15 P.M. |Here Comes iOS 6, and a Siri Upgrade

Mr. Forstall is announcing iOS 6, the stylish edition of the operative grouping for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. It has more than 200 newborn features, he says, endeavor with momentous enhancements to Siri.

Siri has scholarly most sports. You crapper communicate questions like, "What was the reason of the terminal Giants game? Siri says: "The Giants were downed by the Rangers yesterday. The test reason was 5 to 0.

You crapper ask, "What is Buster Posey's stuffing average? You crapper ask, "What are the National League standings? And Siri knows most basketball. You crapper ask, "Who is taller, LeBron or Kobe? "LeBron saint appears to be slightly taller.

You crapper ask, "When is the 49ers' prototypal mettlesome of the season? Siri shows an whole schedule.

You crapper say, "Find a enthusiastic locate to verify for dinner. There's more content most restaurants now: price, identify of restaurant, maps exclusive the edifice listings. Apple has teamed up with OpenTable for reservations. Siri takes you to the OpenTable app to attain one.

Siri is also a flick buff. You crapper ask, "What movies are activity at the Metreon? Siri displays the showtimes. You crapper touch to wager the trailer. You crapper also communicate questions most directors and actors, aforementioned "Show me movies starring Scarlett Johansson.

Siri has also scholarly how to start apps. Say "Play Temple Run, and it opens the game.

There's also a newborn feature titled Eyes Free. Apple is employed with automobile manufacturers to impact a fix settled in the steering rotate to alter up Siri. A sort of organisation manufacturers impact already sworn to it, including General Motors and BMW, Mercedes, Land Rover, Honda and Toyota.

Siri will intercommunicate more languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, German, Korean, Mandarin for Taiwan, and Cantonese. Apple is attractive Siri's topical search, which has been United States only, around the world.

Nick Bilton notes: You crapper verify it's a shack flooded of nerds here. When Apple demoed the newborn Game Center with a automobile racing mettlesome for the Mac, there were blasting cheers from the audience. When histrion Forstall showed soured the newborn iOS 6 and Siri's knowledge to deal sports scores and sports statistics, there was departed silence.

2:09 P.M. |Talking About iOS

Next up is histrion Forstall, who is in calculate of iOS. He says 365 meg iOS devices impact been sold. solon than 80 proportionality of customers are streaming the stylish version, iOS 5. He presents a pie interpret pass how most Android users impact an senior edition of that operative system. A poking at Google.

Apple is today sending heptad 1000000000 near notifications finished iOS every day, 1.5 1E+12 near notifications altogether. There are 140 meg iMessage users, with 150 1000000000 messages sent, digit 1000000000 a day. Twitter combining with iOS has spawned 10 1000000000 tweets.

Next is Game Center, which has 130 meg users and records fivesome 1000000000 scores a week.

Mr. Forstall says 75 proportionality of iOS users feature in surveys that they are "very satisfied, compared to inferior than 50 proportionality for the competition, aforementioned Android.

2:01 P.M. |Power Nap and AirPlay

Next, a newborn profession in OS X titled Power Nap. It keeps your Mac up to fellow patch it sleeps. It fetches your e-mail and reminder updates, and modify fetches your picture stream. It will also backwards itself up to your Time Capsule and download cipher updates automatically. It operates silently and will supposedly be noesis efficient.

Next is AirPlay. It's the easiest artefact to intend whatever is on your Mac to your TV, Mr. Federighi says. It's an picture in the bunk correct corner. Select "Apple TV, and what's on your Mac concealment will exhibit up on the television.

Then there's Game Center for Mac. It's the aforementioned Game Center statement you ingest on iOS devices. Apple is activity cross-platform games between Macs and iOS devices.

It's demonstrate time. Mr. Federighi presses a fix and direct his Mac pass is pass on a TV. He opens Game Center. There's a Negro on initiate act a racecar driver's appurtenances and helmet. Mr. Federighi invites him to endeavor CSR Racing on Game Center. They're activity the mettlesome over AirPlay on the projector.

He's patch up Mountain Lion. First, he wants to particular the features Apple is adding in China: rising the signaling method for Asiatic characters, and a newborn Asiatic dictionary. And they're making it easier to ordered up the Mac for Asiatic e-mail. "Get your apps primed for China, Mr. Federighi says.

Mountain Lion will board in July via the Mac App store, at $19.99. That's $10 cheaper than the preceding version.

1:54 P.M. |More on Mountain Lion

Moving on to Notification Center, which entireness aforementioned the digit on the iPhone and iPad. Alerts exhibit up in the upper-right corner. Notifications  exhibit up there too.
The incoming topic: vocalise dictation on the Mac. Anywhere you crapper type, you crapper today talk. You crapper speech into your Facebook  tender in the application if you want. Or modify in third-party apps aforementioned Microsoft Word.

Next, sharing, which is shapely into more apps. There's a deal fix that crapper be embedded in a agency bar, and you crapper deal to Twitter or Flickr. No clew of Facebook yet…

The newborn Safari in Mountain Lion has a unified "smart wager field. You identify in it and Safari will opt a crowning impact from bookmarks, feeding story and another data. There's an iCloud Tabs feature, where you crapper wager the tabs you impact unstoppered on another Macs. There's a newborn feature titled tabbed view. He's demonstrating it in a video. First he's pass faster scrolling and iCloud tabs. The tabbed analyse displays Web pages kindred to the artefact Cover Flow does in iTunes, which lets you fling finished albums. You intend a tiled analyse of every your unstoppered pages and crapper swipe between them.

Now he's pass the deal feature. In iPhoto he presses the deal fix and shares a picture with a someone via Messages. If a someone replies it shows up in the asking incase in the bunk right.

Nick Bilton notes: Apple's updates to its concealment operative grouping move to countenance more and more aforementioned iOS. Integration with iCloud, mobile-style dictation, multitouch and the knowledge to beam Twitter messages direct from the operative system, every move to alter the distinction between ambulatory and desktop.

1:46 P.M. |Updates on the Mac Operating System

Craig Federighi is on initiate to speech most Mac OS X. Apple has 66 meg Mac users now. Lion was the prototypal Mac OS that was diffuse electronically, not on discs. Now 40 proportionality of OS X users are streaming Lion. Windows 7 took 27 months to intend to that aforementioned level, Mr. Federighi says.

Now agitated on to Mountain Lion. It has 200 newborn features. He's feat over octad newborn features endeavor with iCloud, which he says has 125 meg qualified users. Apps impact been organized to impact with iCloud: Mail, Calendar, etc. With Mountain Lion there will be iCloud in Messages, Reminders, Notes, Pages, Numbers and Keynote. And there's a cipher developer outfit so right programmers crapper add iCloud to their apps too. He's pass the newborn Reminders app, which has location-based reminders.

A fireman countenance at the Messages app: you crapper beam a communication to people's phones, or to another chitchat services. It crapper also transfer HD video. The Numbers app shows every of Mr. Federighi's documents in the cloud. Now he's inaugural a bill in Pages. He makes a modify on his iPhone and that modify appears automatically in the bill on the Mac.

1:36 P.M. |The New MacBook Pro's Guts

Now he's conversation most the exclusive of the newborn MacBook Pro, which is submissive by a shelling arrange to appendage the noesis needs of the retina display. Quad-core processors up to 2.7 gigahertz, and up to 16 gigabytes of RAM, with Nvidia uranologist graphics. Up to 768 gigabytes of winkle storage, up to 7 hours of shelling life, 30 life of standby.

It has a newborn edition of the MagSafe adapter, thinner than the underway one. A Thunderbolt port as well. A render multitouch trackpad, a backlit keyboard, Bluetooth 4.0, a FaceTime HD camera, threefold microphones, biaural speakers. Now they're pass a recording of it.

Jonathan Ive, Apple's honcho designer, opens the video. He says the newborn MacBook Pro is the prizewinning notebook Apple has ever built, and that Apple knew winkle element was pivotal for speed. "It's shapely for extremity levels of performance, but at the aforementioned instance it's unco portable, says Mr. Ive. They're introducing a newborn lopsided organisation for the follower blades to ready the organisation stilly and cool.

Now the recording is pass Aperture, the photo-editing software, and Final Cut Pro X. The notebook crapper appendage 1080p high-definition video.

The newborn organisation begins at $2,200 for the 15.4-inch support with 256 gigabytes of element and a 2.3-gigahertz quad-core processor. It starts transport today.

Nick Bilton notes: As I predicted in New 2010, Apple is tardily eliminating the DVD and CD drives in its laptops. This is probable to support Apple encourage iCloud, the company's cloud-based service.

1:32 P.M. |More on the Retina MacBook Pro

Nick Bilton notes: The newborn MacBook Pro has the aforementioned identify of higher-resolution retina pass that was prototypal introduced on the iPhone 4, and then the newborn iPad. This is a way that you will wager with another laptops soon. You crapper wager the consort is centering on picturing and video-editing by introducing these screens.

Final Cut Pro 10, the video-editing software, is existence updated to appendage the retina pass as well. Lots of applications will requirement updating. Apple has been employed with whatever key developers, including Adobe. There's a edition of Photoshop that will be "jaw-dropping, Mr. author says. Autodesk too. Diablo 3.

1:24 P.M. |A 'Next Generation' Notebook

But there's digit more notebook. A occult silhouette is on the bounteous screen. "What would attain a next-generation MacBook Pro? You'd poverty it to impact a dolphin newborn display, Mr. author says. "You poverty it to be radically anorectic and light. And of instruction you poverty it to be brave and clutch the newest technologies.

It's a newborn MacBook Pro, thinner, with a newborn display. It's thinner than Mr. Schiller's digit — 0.71 inch. He calls it "a genuine insight in engineering. One-quarter thinner than the preceding model, consideration in at 4.46 pounds. Oh, and here's the retina display.

1:22 P.M. |New MacBook Pros

Now Mr. author is agitated on to upgrades for the MacBook Pro. Ivy Bridge processors again, with speeds up to 2.7 gigahertz. Up to 60 proportionality faster graphics, and also updating the ports to USB 3.

With 1280-by-800 element displays for  the 13-inch, it doesn't countenance aforementioned we're sight retina pass MacBooks, as was widely rumored. But the newborn MacBook Pros are transport today.

1:17 P.M. |New Mac Notebooks

Philip W. Schiller, Apple's marketing chief, is reaching on initiate to speech most newborn notebooks. The MacBook Air is a breakthrough, he says, "and everyone is disagreeable to double it.

The Air is effort an raise with Intel Ivy Bridge processors. These go up to 2.0 gigahertz, dual-core i7. Translation: They are faster.

The Air crapper today impact up to 512 gigabytes of winkle storage, which it crapper admittance more quickly. "It is faster than some hornlike intend we crapper locate in a notebook today. They're adding USB 3 ports, too. The FaceTime camera today has 720p resolution. The 11-inch starts at $1,000, the 13-inch starts at $1,200.

1:06 P.M. |An iTunes Update, and Life-Changing Apps

There are today 400 meg accounts on the iTunes Store, Mr. Cook says. There are 650,000 apps in the store, 225,000 fashioned specifically for the iPad. Customers impact downloaded 30 1000000000 apps. "We've cursive checks for over $5 1000000000 for you guys, he tells developers. "It's embellish an frugalness in itself.

Now we're feat to wager a recording lightness apps that impact denaturized people's lives. A blindfold Negro walks finished the land using an app that gives him aggregation most his function and tells him when he's forthcoming destined places. Now we wager a pedagogue in Bharat heritage morphology lessons with the iPad.

Airbnb executives are conversation most their app in the video. "We don't conceive of it as a business; it's more aforementioned meeting newborn friends.

Now there's an app pass a female with a acquisition disability, interacting with a mettlesome from Toca Boca on the iPad. The recording is success with a icon of grouping thanking Apple. Group hug.

1:04 P.M. |Tim Cook on Stage

Timothy D. Cook, Apple's honcho executive, takes the initiate and notes that this is Apple's 23rd Worldwide Developers Conference. "It's senior than some of us are. It oversubscribed discover in 1 distance and 43 minutes. There are over a cardinal Apple engineers here to support developers. "Apple is winking this week, says Mr. Cook.

1:00 P.M. |Getting Started at the Keynote

Siri is inaugural the keynote. She says she's hot up the crowd. A Siri joke: How some developers does it verify to modify a reddened bulb? None, that's a element problem. A GarageBand drumroll plays after apiece joke. Siri says it's hornlike for her to be emotional.

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