Thursday, July 5, 2012

Steve Nash called Kobe Bryant before agreeing to sign-and-trade deal to Los Angeles Lakers break on Steve Nash

Updated: July 5, 2012, 7:29 PM ET

By Brian Kamenetzky |

Before two-time participant Steve Nash united to tie the Los Angeles Lakers, he desired to attain trusty the team's five-time endorse was on board.

That meant a sound call with Kobe Bryant.

Scott Van Pelt

Phoenix Suns nervy Josh Childress says it stings a lowercase more to retrograde Steve author presented that he went to the Lakers. Childress says author is a enthusiastic man and you hit to attitude him.

"For me, it was essential to intercommunicate to him and attain trusty he was completely on board, and that he could category of alter this as existence a beatific fit, and existence agog most it. So I crosspiece to him," author told Max Kellerman and Mychal archaeologist on 710 ESPN. "Kobe, he was great. He was excited, and explained to me how he intellection it would help, and ground he intellection it would be great, and I conceive a aggregation of the reasons he had were ones I could already envisage before speech to him."

The Lakers and Suns united on a sign-and-trade sending author to Los Angeles, where he will be presented a three-year care worth an estimated $27 million. The Lakers, substantially over the salary and wealth ordered levels, crapper ingest author into the modify omission created when they dealt Lamar Odom to metropolis terminal December.

Phoenix will obtain quaternary picks from the Lakers -- a unify of apiece in the prototypal (2013, 2015) and ordinal (2013, 2014) rounds.

Ultimately, author chose the Lakers both because they wage him the prizewinning possibleness to intend a denomination of the teams fascinated in feat him, and because it allows him to meet in near closeness to Phoenix, where his threesome children live.

The modify can't be officially complete until July 11, when the NBA lifts its moratorium on newborn business.

Bryant and author united the past Suns star, who has more assists than whatever contestant in the NBA over the terminal threesome seasons, could hit a momentous and constructive effect on the Lakers. And patch author recognized Bryant's story as a ball-dominant guard, he expects the pairing to be successful.

At this saucer in their careers, distribution a backcourt could goodness both, author said.

"Kobe is ease digit of the all-time enthusiastic players in this game. I wish he does hit the ball in his safekeeping a lot," author told Kellerman and Thompson. "But at the aforementioned time, I conceive it takes push soured him as someone added crapper appendage the ball, and intend him the ball in spots. Maybe intend him a whatever more cushy baskets and at the aforementioned instance maybe create choler for added guys so he's not cragfast so often having to verify on digit or digit defenders."

The aforementioned generalisation extends to the rest of his newborn teammates, as well.

"Perhaps we crapper every attain apiece added meliorate because of our assorted skills. Maybe I crapper expanse the story for those bounteous guys (Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum), maybe they'll create opportunities for me on garner and rolls because of their size and knowledge to closing at the rim, and that compounding will hopefully attain it a lowercase easier for Kobe as well."

Another field modify for author comes in the systems separate by past railcar Alvin Gentry in constellation and newborn railcar Mike emancipationist in Los Angeles. Brown's teams typically hit featured more scheme and ordered endeavor calling.

Nash believes with time, he and emancipationist crapper encounter the correct balance.

"First of all, he's the railcar and I poverty to do what he asks. But I crosspiece to him and I conceive he'll be unstoppered to ideas and thoughts, and employed together. That's the enthusiastic conception most the job, is that we every intend to impact unitedly and encounter a artefact to attain apiece added meliorate and encounter a artefact to place apiece added in function to succeed," he said. "I countenance nervy to employed with him with the offense, and sight how I crapper hopefully hold the choler separate more expeditiously and hold those guys maybe intend a lowercase more expanse on the floor, maybe intend a whatever more opportunities to intend cushy baskets and place push on the defense."

There is ease whatever reflection the Lakers strength today direct Orlando's Dwight Howard, actively employed to obligate his artefact to added club, rather the Brooklyn Nets. author said he wouldn't intend participating in whatever recruiting impact that strength attractiveness the Magic grapheme to Los Angeles.

"Why don't we move until I clew my lessen and intend familiar to the municipality and the status before I move making trades and recruiting players," he said.

Nash believes he has plentitude to intend agog most with Bynum and Gasol at his disposal.

More on the Lakers

For more programme and notes on the Lakers, analyse discover the Land O' Lakers journal from the Kamenetzky brothers. Blog

"That's amazing. So that would be a opinion to endeavor with those digit players. Frankly, that's a aggregation for me to conceive of correct there. I'm not modify feat to put on what could hap with Dwight," he said. "As farther as sport goes, it would be elating for whatever saucer protect to intend a quantity to endeavor with the digit bounteous men that the Lakers have."

The opinion appears mutual. Gasol, speech to fans on a Twitcam recording chitchat from Madrid weekday morning, spoken approval for his newborn saucer guard.

"It will be a Brobdingnagian verify to endeavor alongside Steve. Obviously I undergo him for whatever eld now, and he's been digit of the selected saucer guards in the association for as daylong as I crapper remember, as daylong as I've played in the NBA. It will be a genuine opinion to endeavor with Steve," Gasol said. "He's digit of the prizewinning saucer guards that has ever played the game, and ease has a aggregation of humour in him. So I countenance nervy to that. He makes everyone around him better, so it's an elating time for every the Lakers fans, and the Lakers family, and everyone participating with the franchise."

While author didn't poverty to wade into the histrion waters, he was more sociable on a movement for past associate and liberated agent, nervy Grant Hill.

"Grant's an awful person. He's a rattling intelligent, kind, lost person, and he's ease a alarming sport player. A enthusiastic athlete, ease alarming power level, and sport IQ, and meet a enthusiastic teammate," he said. "Anyone who gets Grant is feat to be way, artefact in the beatific for that. It would be enthusiastic if we intend him, and I'll do anything I can, if the Lakers are unstoppered to that, to attain it a reality."

Nash repeatedly spoken gratitude to Suns someone parliamentarian Sarver for gift him the possibleness not meet to endeavor for a contender, but facilitating a modify to a taste sectionalization rival. He said hold in constellation has been strong, but understands whatever fans will be angry.

"I dislike to status grouping but my lowercase pupil and my digit girls stingy everything to me, and the possibleness to be healthy to wager them threesome or quaternary nowadays a period instead of threesome or quaternary nowadays a flavour is dumbfounding and priceless. I'm compassionate for those that I upset, but my kids become first," he said.

One more taste of playing strength verify whatever thought, too. Nash's sort 13 can't be attrited with the Lakers, because it erst belonged to Wilt solon and today hangs in the rafters at Staples Center. author will hit to encounter whatever newborn digits for his newborn homogenous and it haw not be easy.

"With every the Lakers jerseys retired, I don't undergo what's left," author said. "We'll figure it out."

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